Friday, 29 April 2011

Beautiful Quote from a UK research into young women's perceptions of sexual pleasure within safe sex

'Safe sex is as pleasurable an experience as actual penetration. Oral sex, just things like touching somebody else's body in a very gentle way. Kissing. Appreciating one another's bodies. I think it's as much fun if not more. You concentrate on each others needs a lot more. Instead of twenty minutes of bang, bang, bang, you've got the whole night; you watch the dawn come up and you're still there. Before they know it they're converted, and they suddenly realise 'well we haven't actually done it'. [Young woman aged 21].

Lady Cunt in the Easter Bonnet Parade

So it was a very hot day in Brighton and I tottered about on Western Street amongst the other Easter Bonnetees. There was beautiful array of bonnets.

My favourite (besides my own Cunt one of course) was one of Barbie and Ken in a risky sex position surrounded by flowers and feathers. 
This girl came third, I didn't get a look in. 

As a 5 year old girl told me, mine wasn't a BONNET, it was just SOMETHING stuck to a HAIRBAND! I almost told her what that SOMETHING was but felt that even for Lady Cunt, it would be going too far.
She did say I looked like Little Bo Peep too which quite excited me.

Second place was an elderly woman wearing a wedding dress (I think in tribute to the royal wedding... not sure, I chased after her to try get a photo but she disappeared). 

First place was a woman wearing a Carmen Miranda style Fruit Bonett which I feel was no more about Easter than mine but ho hum...

 I managed to get a photo with the Deputy Mayoress before she was whisked away by someone with a bigger camera.
 I did have a very interesting conversation with a gay guy in a stripey dress who said it was the first cunt he had ever seen. I liked his immediate, unflinching acceptance of this use of the word CUNT and let him look at my clitoris.

The nice man in purple told me his bonnet was a cunt too but his boyfriend said he was only joking... so I'll never really know. 

I met an irish man and as irish people do, we had an stumbling conversation in Gaelige. I know what I said and he knew what he was saying but not sure we really understood each other.

Lots of people did the usual "we're shocked but  very very interested" reaction and the girl who's bonnet had Barbie and Ken Fucking ran after me as I left, to take a photo. I obliged.... hoping she would let me take Third Prize but after much debate, we decided that she deserved it.

I walked away not sure if I'd really shared with other people why I was in the parade but I knew in my heart and in my cunt that I'd done my best and that was all that really mattered.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Photos of The Cunt Haven to "Beautiful Flowers" by India Irie

The Vagina Monologues, Brighton April 2011

I heart my cunt recently helped organise a community production of The Vagina Monologues with the beautiful Lily Rose Double from Loba productions and an amazing cast of incredible, passionate women. 

Lady Cunt performed the monologue “Hair” and Queen Clit, The Cuntess and our newest member, Princess Labia were positioned at front of house, meeting and greeting audience members.
Some arrived excited, some apprehensive and some plain scared but they all left feeling lighter, wiser and more connected with each other and the cast.

I heart my cunt also had the task of decorating the venue and turning it into
The Cunt Haven. This included 20 gold framed Collages of Cunts, big 3D vaginas
and Cunt bunting (“Cunting”).
Groups of women across Brighton got together to find creative ways to express
their feelings about their vaginas and to share stories.  

We laughed, we cried but most of all felt this strong,indescribable bond that
we share as women. We'd like to dedicate the exhibition to Eve Ensler, the
courageous shining light who created The Vagina Monologues. 

Thank you Eve, you managed to put into words what we are all feeling deep
down inside of us, in our hearts and in our cunts.
We would like to continue this experience by sharing with more and more
women by giving them the opportunity to contribute and are also looking
for a place to exhibit so if you are interested, please contact us.

A special thank you to:
Taboo of Surrey Street
Lust of Gardiner Street
Louise Everett
Liz Dean
Lis Long
 Louise Taylor and her 4 year old daughter, Lily Anna Taylor.