Monday, 30 May 2011

Cuntversations and Cuntnections!!

We are overwhelmed by all the beautiful and enlightning women and men we met over the last month.

So much so that we are taking a little break to reflect.

Dates for your diaries:

First women's meeting to discuss ideas for the future - Wednesday 6th July at the Impure Art Gallery and Bar, Brighton

Cunt Crafternoon 1 - 4pm on Saturday July 30th
also at the Impure Art Gallery and Bar.

Let me know if you want to attend... or have any ideas/ suggestions.

Big Cunty Love


Friday, 6 May 2011

A Celebration - Sponsored by She Said Erotic Boutique and Impure Art

Come and see The Cunt Haven which was originally exhibited for a recent production of The Vagina Monologues.
Groups of women across Brighton got together to find creative ways to express their feelings about their vaginas, their yoni, their pussys (or whatever they called theirs!).

And we felt this powerful bond that we share as women on this crazy and beautiful planet.
Pop in to see us on Saturdays and Sundays 12 to 6.
Tea, coffee and wine served.
There will be the opportunity to contribute to the exhibition (anonymously if preferred).
We will also have coffee mornings and evening workshops throughout May and will post details here once dates confirmed.
We are a non profit community project.
Men most welcome!!! 
The Brighton Fringe Festival, Impure Art Gallery,
42 Ship Street Gardens, Brighton, BN1 1AJ

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Word 'Cunt'

The word 'Cunt' is related to words from India, China, Ireland, Rome and Egypt. Such words are either titles of respect for women, priestesses and witches, or derivatives of the names of various goddesses (Musio, 2002)”.

Derivative of the Oriental Great Goddess as Cunti, or Kunda, the Yoni of the Uni-verse …

Cunina”, a Roman Goddess who protected children in the cradle,

Cunctipotent” an all powerful (I.e having cunt magic);
Cunicle,” a hole or passage;

Cuniculate,” penetrated by a passage;

Kin” meant not only matrilineal blood relations, but also a cleft or crevice, the Goddess' genital opening.

A Saharan tribe called Kuntahs traced their descent from this holy place.
Indian “Kundas” were their mothers' natural children, begotten out of wedlock as gifts of the Goddess Kunda.

Of old the name applied to girls, as in China where girls were once considered children of their mothers only, having no connection to their fathers.

In ancient writings, the word 'cunt' was synonymous with 'woman', though not in the insulting modern sense. An Egyptology was shocked to find the maxims of Ptah-Hotep “used for 'woman' a term that was more than blunt”, though its delicacy was not in the eye of the ancient beholder, only in that of the modern scholar.

Medieval clergymen similarly perceived obscenity in female-genital shrines of the pagans: holy caves, wells, groves. Any such place was called cunnas diboli, “devilish cunt” …
Scared places identified with the word – cunt – sometimes embarrassed Victorian scholars who failed to understand their earlier meaning”.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets,
Walker, 1983

Negative reactions to “cunt” resonate from a learned fear of ancient yet contemporary, inherent yet lost, reviled yet redemptive cunt power. Eradicating a tried and true, stentorian-assed word from a language is like rendering null the Goddess Herself.
It's impossible.

Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, Musio 2002